Low-Carb and Low-Fat Alternatives

Trying to cut down and lose a bit of excess weight now that 2022 is here? Eating low-carb and low-fat alternatives to your favourite high-calorie foods can be a great start to getting in shape. Here are a few suggestions that you might like to try. Cauliflower ‘rice’ Blitz florets or roughly sliced pieces of cauliflower briefly in your blender or processor using the pulse setting so in short sharp bursts of power. It only takes a few seconds. Place in a steamer or metal colander over a pan of…

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Top Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Has lockdown weight grain been a problem for you? Well, in simple terms, to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories that you burn up as energy so your body has to burn fat reserves to keep you going, so the pounds fall away. So, whether you like it or not, you will have to eat not only less but better (ditching the crisps, bikkies, cakes and so on). However, this blog is about top tips to help you manage your diet and lose weight. A couple of reminders…

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Egg Size Matters…

Ditch the Big Boys! Egg size matters because medium or mixed weight eggs are much less painful for the hens to lay! I recently did a Chicken and Egg Workshop presented by The Guild of Food Writers. It was an eye-opener and has changed my thinking on eggs forever. From now on I shall always choose medium or mixed weight eggs. Large or extra large are a no no! Small really is beautiful - and small eggs are kinder! I would hope that anyone reading this would choose free-range eggs,…

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Boost Your Mood and Your Immune System

What you eat can boost your mood and help fight COVID!  What you eat can play a role in making you feel happier and help keep you healthy too. Some foods really could help boost your mood and your immune system to try to fight COVID-19. There is no magic solution to stop you catching it but there is no doubt in my mind that a well-nourished body has more chance of getting over it quickly. Start with a balanced diet Every day your diet should comprise a rainbow of…

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